Transparency in Coverage Final Rule The Plumbers and Steamfitters Local Union No. 248 H&W Fund (the Plan) is required to provide certain information on a public website under a new federal government regulation, the Transparency in Coverage Final Rule (Rule). The Rule is intended to make health care pricing information available to the general public so that the public (and researchers, legislators and regulators) can better understand the health care system and its costs so that health care spending can be controlled. The Rule requires the Plan to post links to machine-readable files that contain information about the price of health care services. A machine-readable file is written in computer code and is an extremely large file. It is not intended to be downloaded without specialty software. The files do not contain Protected Health Information (PHI) about you or your family. Links on this website provide machine-readable files for the Plan’s in-network negotiated rates and historical allowed amounts for out-of-network charges. The files attached to the links are maintained by Anthem and will be updated automatically each month. In 2023, the Plan will post additional price comparison information intended to allow participants and dependents to see health prices and shop for certain services. Stay tuned for additional information. If you have any questions about the Rule, you can read more information at
Health & Welfare Fund
Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 248
Health & Welfare Fund. C/O UMR
230 Lexington Green Circle Suite 400 Lexington, KY 40503
Administrators1 (888) 999-7741
Healthcare Insurance Provider
Online Account Management
1 (888) 650-4047
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